Infrastructure and Public Transportation:

Safe Streets Save Lives

Our built environment shapes everything around us. Investment in infrastructure is the difference between walkable neighborhoods and risk of death and injury. It affects our health, our happiness, and our opportunities in life.

A City With Zero Traffic Deaths
  • Protect all bike lanes with a significant barrier and expand lane coverage.
  • Implement traffic Calming Measures like roundabouts, speedbumps, raised and bright crosswalks, and landscaping
  • No right on red and pedestrian-only crossing cycles at traffic lights
  • Expand sidewalks and create neighborhood greenways
  • Installation of rotaries/speed humps to reduce excessive speeding on residential blocks in ward
  • Create sanctioned race car meetups to build relationships to create an agreement to stop unsanctioned meetups
  • Ensure that necessary city vehicles, e-bikes and electric wheelchairs are the only motorized machinery on the lakefront path
World Class Public Transportation
  • Investigate scheduling issues with Chicago area trains and buses
  • Explore improvements for cleanliness and safety of public transportation
  • Explore incentives to increase ridership
  • Increase CTA staffing, listen to CTA workers about pay and benefits needed to attract and retain employees
  • Every street that is rebuilt or repaved should be re-designed to improve safety and accessibility
  • Public bathrooms at CTA stations
Snow, Sidewalks, and Maintenance
  • Reliably and promptly clear sidewalks after snowstorms
  • Improved & equitable street and alley snow clearing
  • Proactively maintain sidewalks and streets
  • Implement municipal vermin solutions
  • Inventory of streetlight maintenance needed and proactively replace out streetlights, increase streetlights throughout ward
Energetic Public Works & Development
  • Connect Bubbly Creek trails & advocate for building a pedestrian bridge across the river
  • Use TIF dollars to improve the local public built environment
  • Make our major streets beautiful, welcoming and ADA accessible with street widening, landscaping, art, and by adding trash cans and benches
  • Create a dog park
  • Become a Ward leader in realizing Our Roots Chicago’s goal of 75,000 new, equitably distributed trees
  • Investigate the feasibility of pedestrianizing certain streets so that cars are not allowed at certain or all times.
  • Vacancy taxes on properties with empty storefronts with support for filling vacancies
  • Increase funding for fire department and explore what preventative measures city could take to reduce number of building fires
Hold Railroad Companies Accountable
  • Investigate our dilapidated privately-owned railroad viaducts
  • Advocate for new policies and regulations that allow public oversight and repair of rail bridges and the viaducts underneath them